Well...it's been about a month and a half. I'm making no more promises.
BUT. The past month and half have been SO wonderful. I love October. It is my favorite month for a few reasons: it finally feels like fall, the leaves are changing and BEAUTIFUL, pumpkin spice lattes (along with pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING- pancakes... yum.), Halloween,
pumpkins, candy corn, and a million other wonderful things.
Here are some of my favorite things from this particular October:
Windy Gap was more than I could have hoped for as I took four girls from Central to camp. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with these girls. Jesus was so present throughout the weekend, and it was apparent in the way he worked in the hearts of these girls. And I loved getting to watch other leaders love their friends all weekend and spend time with them. Camp was wonderful and so refreshing. God is good.

RACHEL GOT MARRIED!!! Rachel was my small group leader last year. I'm very thankful for this girl and am so happy I got to be there for her big day. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL and Rachel was gorgeous. I loved every bit of this wedding- it was outside in a meadow, the weather was PERFECT, and the reception was so much fun. We also got a little surprise... our Young Life leader from high school, Christine, was there with the wedding photographer. Best surprise ever.

For fall break I went with my mom and some family to New York for a little pre-birthday present. Woah. That is one big city. I get lost on a regular basis in Knoxville (I've lived here my whole life), there's no way I would make it anywhere in New York. But it was a lot of fun! Saw all the sites, did some shopping, lots of eating, and some family bonding.

Capernaum Club may have been the highlight of October. Knoxville Young Life had it's first ever Capernaum Young Life Club. Kids with special needs from schools all over Knoxville came to sing, dance, play games, and hear about Jesus. This afternoon was AMAZING. I am so thankful I got to be a part of it. It was a huge surprise to see how many kids from Central came, considering almost all of them had never been to Young Life before. I got to spend most of my time with a boy named Kevin. He's not real big on large crowds of people, so we hung outside most of the time and listened to what was going on from there. By the end of club he was up dancing and laughing. It was so wonderful. Jesus was so alive and present. The kids LOVED it and had so much fun, they were all asking when they could come back. Some have even started coming on Thursday nights to club! This was easily my favorite day of October.

I got to do Race for the Cure with Delaney's small group in honor of her mom. I was so glad to be apart of it. I loved getting to spend some time with those girls and watch them support Delaney so much. I'm really thankful for Delaney, she is so strong and is such a wonderful picture of Jesus. She speaks a lot of truth into my life, as well as makes me laugh A LOT. We're kind of the same person. I don't really know what I'd do without her. Thanks for being in my life.

My little sister turned 16 this month. She's driving. It's really weird. But she's great.

These things make October so wonderful. Along with football games, walks down the boulevard, intermural soccer, dance parties, YL, getting ready for Ashley's wedding, and of course Halloween. I love October.

I have really high expectations for November.