Thursday, July 22, 2010

You have my heart, and I am Yours forever.

I am thankful for a God that created me. A God that pursues me relentlessly. A God that doesn’t give up. A God that allows me to fight with Him, and that fights even harder for me. A God that knows everything about me, and loves me anyway. A God that created me perfectly. A God full of grace. A God that I’m always good enough for. A God that knows my weaknesses, and uses them to show me how much bigger, greater, and stronger He is. A God that brings struggle that turns into joy. A God that turns the bad into good. A God that is faithful. A God that promises abundant life and unexplainable joy. A God who loves me with a passionate, fearless, unfailing, boundless, unstoppable, stubborn kind of love.

Thanks God :)

I might officially stink at blogging...

Okay... I've had this thing for over a week and have yet to make an actual post. Oh well, better late than never?

Well, I got this idea from one of my friends. This was going around on facebook for a while probably over a year ago, but I never did it. So, I decided why not do it now? So here you go...

25 Things you may or may not know about me...
  1. I’m madly and hopelessly in love with Jesus.
  2. I’ve learned recently how great my family is, and I couldn’t ask for any better love than the way they love me.
  3. I have the best friends in the world. I’m so thankful for them, they love me so well and I pray daily that I can be at least half the friend as they are to me.
  4. I currently miss Monday nights... roommate dinners are the best way to start off the week.
  5. Boy Meets World will forever and always be my favorite show. Still waiting for season 4 to come out on DVD. Been waiting for the last 4 years...
  6. I brush my teeth entirely too much. I didn’t think it was possible. Apparently it is. I average about 5 times a day...and never had a cavity.
  7. I’m a Young Life leader at Central High School where my heart has been captured by several of the coolest girls I know.
  8. I cannot wait until the day that I’m a special education teacher.
  9. I have the coolest nephew ever.
  10. My dad is hilarious. I’ve learned to appreciate him more and more the past few years. I’m so thankful he loves me the way he does.
  11. I wish I could sing. I pretend that I can. More than likely if you ever see me driving, I’m singing at the top of my lungs.
  12. Sometimes my birthday is on Thanksgiving.
  13. One of my ears is smaller than the other.
  14. I laugh all the time. Particularly at really inappropriate times. It’s a problem. I’m working on it. However, I do believe laughter is the best cure for anything.
  15. I talk to myself way too much.
  16. One day I want to run in a marathon. (That day is far, far away).
  17. I’ve learned recently to become thankful for struggles and to rejoice over brokenness.
  18. I try to embrace my mistakes and be thankful for the growth that comes from them.
  19. Fall is my favorite, I’m overly obsessed with sunsets, and I’d rather be in the mountains any day.
  20. I hate sleeping late... but it happens way too much.
  21. I wish I were more organized... I lose things a lot. My desk is usually a mess. I live out of my car. I can be kind of forgetful.
  22. I have a problem with running late. I try to set my clocks/watches anywhere from 4 to 15 minutes ahead of time. Still no luck.
  23. I’ve lived in Knoxville my whole life and still get lost at least once a week.
  24. I pray to be in a place that if God asked me to leave everything behind and move to Ethiopia that I’d do it in a heartbeat without any hesitation.
  25. I choose talking on the phone over texting any day and I really don’t like email.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 goes.

Sooo... why am I blogging? GREAT question... and for that I do not really have an answer. Really- I never thought I’d ever have a blog, but why not give it a try, right? Right. But I guess you could credit this to my new found obsession with blogs, thanks Delaney :). So why not! I’m not promising this is even going to be interesting, funny, deep, or any other adjective... but I hope it will be real. Besides, I love love love talking about the people that mean the most to me and I loooove talking about the crazy and wonderful things Jesus does in my life and around me, so I’m gonna try to share these experiences, here goes :)